Number of E-sports Pros Rises

Number of E-sports Pros Rises as China Continues to Lead the Way in Normalisation The number of professional e-sports players in China keeps on rising, just months after the country accepted the discipline as a normal sport. It was reported that over 100,000 individuals had entered the records as professionals by July 2019. This number … Read more

CS GO Case Simulator

Understanding the CS: GO Case Simulator The debate on the popularity of CS: GO as a game is long settled. Enthusiasts already agreed that it is one of the best things that ever happened to video gaming. Now, without arguments, the CS: GO environment would become boring, right? The community knows that, and that is … Read more


The Steam Platform Review: For The Gamer and The gamer’s Parent If you exist within the gaming environment, you have probably heard about Steam. If not, you will be hearing about it soon enough. Or more often now that you have heard of it here. It doesn’t matter if you are a gamer yourself or … Read more


E-sports are the newest fixtures in the betting scene. They have come fast on the heels of sports betting, which itself took over from casino betting. This popularity has been occasioned by a surge in both participation and spectatorship of e-sports. It is not that e-sports are a new concept- far from it. Organized video … Read more

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